Gadgets and Gizmos and All the Cool Things!
Click on product images to learn more! Come back daily for new additions!

Gifting Guide Day 1: Smart Devices for Temperature Control
Gifting Guide Day 2: Adapted Games
Gifting Guide Day 3: Tools to Make DIY Easier
Gifting Guide Day 4: Banking on Gift Cards
Gifting Guide Day 5: Make Your Entry Smart
Gifting Guide Day 6: Tools to Make Notetaking Easier
Gifting Guide Day 7: Power the Lights On and Off
Gifting Guide Day 8: Medication Helpers
Gifting Guide Day 9: Gadgets for Gardeners
Gifting Guide Day 10: Staying Hydrated!
Gifting Guide Day 11: Suvie for Disability?
Gifting Guide Day 12: Robotic Vacuums
Gifting Guide Day 13: Bidet Seat
Gifting Guide Day 14: Smart Microwaves
Gifting Guide Day 15: Charlie Mae’s First Day
Gifting Guide Day 16: Adapted Art Supplies
Gifting Guide Day 17: Interacting With Your Furbaby
Gifting Guide Day 18: Mobile Device Accessories
Gifting Guide Day 19: Laundry Aids
Gifting Guide Day 20: DIY Assistive Technology
Gifting Guide Day 21: Adapted Clothing
Gifting Guide Day 22: Adapted Sailing
Gifting Guide Day 23: Accessibility in Gaming
Gifting Guide Day 24: Kitchen Gadgets
Gifting Guide Day 25: Switch Adapted Toys
This list is provided for informational purposes only as APTAT does not endorse specific products or brands. When purchasing be sure to thoroughly research the product features to ensure it will meet your individual needs.